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During the Second World War, hundreds of British RAF and Commonwealth planes participated in bombing raids on Germany and often these entailed crossing the Vosges. For many crews, the night skies above Alsace were the skies of catastrophe. This small gallery shows a handful of many places marked by tragedy.

I have also included some casualties from the Great War.
Choloy-Ménillot War Cemetery, Lorraine.Hohrodberg: Lancaster NN-766. The crash site seen from Obersolberg arrowedHohrodberg: Lancaster NN-766 - at the crash siteHohrodberg: NN-766 - view to ReichackerkopfHohrodberg: Lancaster NN-766. Storm, ReichackerkopfHohrodberg: Lancaster NN-766. HornleskopfHohrodberg: Lancaster NN-766.  The memorialHohrodberg Lancaster NN-766. Cimetière militaire MunsterHohrodberg Lancaster NN-766. Cimetière militaire MunsterRanrupt: Lancaster ME-639Ranrupt: Lancaster ME-639, the gravesSarralbe, MoselleSaaralbe, winter afternoon sunSarralbe showing landscapeSarralbe cemetery entranceRiesenkopf: Halifax MZ-0807. The landscapeRiesenkopf: Halifax MZ-807. A cyclist passes the memorialRiesenkopf: Halifax MZ-807. The memorialSchoenau, Haut-Rhin. Lancaster LL-801Schoenau Lancaster LL-801. The graves in the village churchyard