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Hauptfriedhof Saarbrücken is a vast place of tranquillity and reflection within the buzz of a vibrant city. In moments you are unaware of traffic passing between the city and the French border and immersed in a wide area dense with trees, shady woodland paths, inclines and parkland, engaged by the historic graves therein. According to its webpage, the cemetery was originally used for the burials of fallen soldiers and it was this aspect on which we focused. There are ten areas of memory. Here there are graves of Germans, Muslims, French soldiers, Russians and other nationalities. They include dead of the Franco-Prussian War (1870/71), the Great War (1914-1918) and the Second World War and are set with gracious use of order: a relative or friend would have space in which to contemplate their loved one. The German graves are remarkable about for the artistry and beauty invested in each by the creator, whether it is simply a lovely script, an elegant silhouette, Classical details or more elaborate embellishments.
Hauptfriedhof Saarbrucken 1 bwHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken 3 graves in sunlightHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Adolf Bartsch bwHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken August Grabosch 10.11.18Hauptfriedhof Saarbrucken August MartinHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken BeKaraHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken DesgrangesHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Ernst MaurerHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Ernst Mendel 1Hauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Ernst Mendel 2Hauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Ernst Mendel 3Hauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Fritz WagnerHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken German row inc 11.11 bwHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken graves sun shade bwHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Ludwig Schneider HWKHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Paul SenfHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Richard NeufangHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Richard SeibertHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Rudolf Braun detailHauptfriedhof Saarbrucken Rudolf Braun